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Why Companies Outsource Kitting Services: 5 Incredible Benefits

Nov 23, 2022 | Kitting Services

Having trouble with inventory turnover? You’re not the only one! And here’s how to fix it.

You, like most of the industry, have had a headache because of inventory turnover problems. And it is not an easy task, sometimes thousands and thousands of pieces arrive every day to the warehouse.

And it is often impossible to arrange them in order of use, or is it?

We tell you about kitting, the service that will significantly improve inventory turnover, but will also improve the assembly process.

Don’t miss this incredible fact! Continue reading…



The kitting service is known as the action of gathering the materials that make up a product to form a kit. The kits of parts are delivered to the assembly line, where automobiles, furniture or appliances can be manufactured.



What is the importance of kitting in companies?


As kitting is a strategy for grouping products (or making kits of parts), it allows the organization of parts and tools for use in the production stage.

This speeds up the assembly process and eliminates the need to search endlessly for each part. This ensures an uninterrupted supply of assembly parts.


What are the reasons why companies hire kitting services?


The benefits of using the kitting strategy as a logistics method are many and manufacturing companies do not hesitate to take advantage of them.

Among the main benefits of kitting are:


  1. It allows the relief of obligations.

The hiring of teams in charge of packaging parts or products is an action that allows the company to focus its attention on the most important issues.


  1. Savings in internal personnel

Among other things, hiring a trained team in the kitting area is a more efficient strategy than training or hiring new personnel.

In this way, the companies that need the service are satisfied with the hiring of the service without the need to hire internal personnel.


  1. Improves inventory turnover

One of the main advantages of the use of kitting in companies is the help it provides in improving inventory turnover.

Kitting allows the optimal use of inventory, since the kits integrate all the parts that make up the product.


  1. Workflow standard

The work flow is constant and the results are optimal. Kitting teams are fast and efficient.

They are able to organize themselves according to the customer’s needs and it shows in the results. They guarantee one of the most important needs of the client, which is the fulfillment of the demand.


  1. Reduction of shipping errors

One of the most notable advantages of using kitting is the reduction of shipping errors.

The team is organized in such a way that everyone has well defined activities and responsibilities. For this reason, assembly errors are greatly reduced.


This is how the advantages of kitting help in the assembly process and that is why the service is so requested by companies.


Do you have doubts about kitting and its use? At A&T Supply Logistics we explain it to you and above all we apply the tools we have at our disposal to provide you with the best service.

Would you like to enjoy the benefits of kitting on your products? Imagine how the time saved could be used!


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